Friday, February 2, 2018

February the First

each day is Valentine's Day

He was up late last night
digging a purple moon

He celebrates
Ground Hog Day

From BART to my coffee shop

Super duper game this week
who cares ?
Homey don't play that

Berkeley college on Center street
I find myself indoors again

Chance encounter
with a Black History month

Puzzling evidence
from a buried history

How Berkeley sees itself

 Some exhilaration
approaches in the stairwell

Drumming masters

Polyrhythms reverberated
uniting for a moment
our local community

They didn't play for long
 but it was sheer uplift
There was great pizza,
nuts and fruits
and cutie tangerines

After a doctor's appointment
travel by public bus,
 a quiet and poignant
traditional African-American
neighborhood to Oakland

The sky held
intimations of
Mardi Gras
Ash Wednesday
February's strange auguries

1 February 2018

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