Lovely days are here again
think I'll get the old motor scooter
out of storage
In a Spring fever dream
the Flaneur walks the concrete jungle's sidewalks
and life's earthen paths
Massive eucalyptus
a small park by the Lake
Henry J. Kaiser
Pioneer of healthcare profiteering
Into his black hole disappeared
Catholic and other non-profit hospitals
I visit his eponymous building
Almost all of the extremely wealthy
are sociopathic
if not like our fearless leader
This entrance way
indoor fountain
is a trip
Ugliest in Oakland
Imagine how much
some sculptor
was paid for this utter
piece of shit
of our transit system
is located here
I boarded an elevator
with a real example
of a certain business-type
Youngish, in shape
Military politeness
The elevator shot up multiple floors
to blind landings
I'm surprised the executive didn't call security
I came back down
and found the way to my goal
a park atop a garage
The perspective from here
Not that I'm a huge fan of "aps"
But I'd like one that looked
at the clouds for you
and told you what they were called
and what it all means
I believe we came from the sky
and there shall we return
Wavy building uptown,
I head further that way
I'm going to church, baby
On the feast day
of my beloved St Patrick
An attractive girl,
at the Catholic cafe
Highly regarded
and festooned in green
Treasure from the Emerald Isle
Prayer cards
Mother always had a lot,
we got them at school and at Mass
My ex St Lucy became a real collector
then fickle person that she was
left them when she left
I kneel down
when I pray
It's High Lent
Purple cloth upon the altar
Who's that rising?
Jesu mein freunde
I am his lover
and his scibe
the marble cross
So much light
Dear Bishop Saint
of Eire
His eyes, his brow
his beard
I celebrate him
and try to chase out
the snakes
Time to leave trails
of glory
Can you spot St Patrick?
In the trees
Your Flaneur is there
Saint Patrick's day
17 March 2017
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