Friday, February 10, 2017

Winter Holiday at the Lake

Bitter nippy cold greeted us this Solstice time
out-door life required some extra attention
to preparation and provision

I've come to a lakeside
Catholic Church
to venerate the Nativity
to warm up my body and soul

 Our Lady of Lourdes

I'm in a suitably prayerful state

Locked-up tight
As in "you hope"
it's open

Outdoors worship
for me this day of Noel

Two leashes for this canine
People bundle up and brave the cold


Ducks asleep on the frigid water

If it is possible
to do so

I love them deeply

Into the entanglement

I'm holy here

Visionary trees
in Lakeside Park Garden

Mimetic morphism

Purple frilly kale

Water and air

 is life

Psychedelic Oaks

Rainbow shard
I gleaned for the garden
and ate every bite


 Can you handle it?
So many kids the old lady
who lives in a shoe
didn't know what to do

Mosaics of Fairyland attractions

Ashtray for burnt-out kids

Ultra green grass of 
a rainy December
just outside Fairyland

Two cool coots
they winter here in profusion

My darling little diving fowl
don't even know his name yet

 I found this somewhat worn
but warm and lightweight shawl
at Fisherman's Wharf last year
and left it at the estuary on Xmas day
It's still keeping mankind warm

An empty apartment
if I lived here I'd be home now
shudder to think what the rent would be

Nice around here
but not that nice

Time to go inside
for a strong cup of coffee
 to eat my candy Xmas tree

December 2016

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