Thursday, November 17, 2016

Today So Tempting

Finished photo-essays ready to go
but it's so much fun to post
images and experiences 
almost as they happen

 Have a safeway Xmas

 Imagery I welcome
regardless of its
commercial intent

 Jocular brown bear doll
over the frozen food aisle

 Mean spirit
of Xmas

 Candy canes
by the bucket load
at the sugar store next door

 Upside down Xmas tree
hovers over bins
of bon-bons

 Fall in in evidence
Alcatraz at Benvenue
my old neighborhood
 of twenty years past

 Unlike Gary Snyder
who's shack on a nearby street
inspired The Dharma Bums,
I had more comfortable lodging

 Ultra violet
buds in shadow

 The exquisite outdoors
on peaceful sidewalks
this time of the year

Grace of roses

Something was broken
then positioned 
on the sidewalk
someone's badge of guilt

Le Flaneur 
as wandering 

to be divided

 never to be put together again

 Attractive landscape
a garden corner
on Woolsey

 First Nation activist
who ran for mayor from jail
lost again this election

 Sleepy vista
 on Benvenue

My proverbial 
Garden path in autumn

Arriving just now 
here at the Claremont Library

17 November 2016

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