A cavalcade of Flaneurian images
from the Peoples' holiday weekend
unplanned and spontaneous
When I noticed my own open window
looking back at me
I knew it was time to go outside
and feed my imagination
I knew it was time to go outside
and feed my imagination
I stopped a moment by this familiar fence
explanation follows elsewhere in this post
Way down
among the sheltering palms
Amtrak thunders past
Time to investigate this place
It does radiate that
good old American welcome
Historical furnishings
good stuff from yard sales
Artifacts from
Behind the curtains
artist studios and a gallery
Pop Surrealism
The Heirophant
from the Black Lagoon
The Surrealist Mass
A singularity
To scale tall buildings
in a single bound
Knock, knock:
Who's There?
Spooky screen
Jock-strap of Turin
Behind other
even more furtive
Arrested morphology
Wings of a different sort
Angels in America
Advanced hotel abstracts
More niches galleries
up front
Consciousness is a cut-up
Reflecting on reflections
I don't want to meet
up with him
after dusk
New peyotl yodel
Eye of the storm cloud
Some girl, some ink
Hope's it's only henna
Ornate drinking flasks
and the ornate gentlemen
who drained them
Cut glass spirit decanter,
more on booze bottle art
will follow
Glad to join the foot traffic
for these shiny people,
Hope they grow roots
Set designs from Oakland past
In the Port present,
cops on bikes lurk in the shade
Fine with me, better than
usual security stooges
Blues Cruise
on the presidential yacht
Breezy day on the Bay
for party boaters
You can hear the band
as they set forth
Although I would accept a free ticket,
It wouldn't be under my preferred conditions:
smaller crowd, acoustic or no music
Up up and away they go
Muddy Waters recommends
Champagne and Reefer,
all around
Way down Second Street
It looked liked UK SUBS
At Oakland Metro
Not bloody likely
These planks enclose an unmanned PG&E substation
In consideration of privacy I shed my empty bandy vessels here,
I wedge the neck in between the planks for stabilty
and am amused to see how long the bottles remain,
I view it as a temporary guerilla art installation,
At first they lasted long enough for several to co-exist
this is when it looks best,
Recently a sort of cat-and-mouse game takes place
they disappear rather quickly
Generally it's the smaller size
But a friend gave me
the large size bottle
for my birthday,
Even more sculptural
4 September 2016
Labor of Love II:
Ray Meets a Redhead
in Deep Crab Cove
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