Saturday, June 18, 2016

The Berkeley Beat: ART

Words from the Art Passage

William Shakespeare,
 recusant poet

Shakespeare, Whitman,
Allen Ginsberg, 
that sounds about right,
Allen tends to hogs the camera,
Note how the artist accented
 Ginsberg's semitism
with that Groucho honker

Tableau of fabric arts

Celtic calligraphic cross

Interjection in Arabic
made solid

Cryptic inscription aglow

A is for Eve's Apple
Fruit of 
the Tree of Knowledge

A Yantra is a 
to the heart of things

Evocative Arabesques
beyond representation,
stairway of smoke

The other side of the cross

The Psychology of Art

Appropriated photography

Painting intended to express
inner states of mind

Surrealism essentially

Abstract expressionism
by another name

Fields of exploration 
and chance encounter
ever fecund ever new


 Objets literaires

Hearth made of books

Clock made of book and brushes

Oh, looking so good,
Books made out of wood

Bookend made out of books

 for "The Burried Child"

Heavy Impasto
Noir Portraits 
in urban scenes

Anomalisa Roma

Movie theater
on a jet liner

Pickpocket jeopardy
Underground train

3D Ticket-taker

Making a Street Scene

Easy for her to say


 Motorcycle seat corset



T-shirt, jersey jammy bottoms,
socks and sheepskin slippers,
Can't wait to get home
to be so comfy

June 2016

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