Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Strolling Oakland: Chinatown to the Lake

A fragmented city-scape

The Flaneur sets out walking
the world belongs to him because he is poor

 This is Oakland Chinatown

 The crosswalks in Chinatown are distinctive

 The lights change and everybody
 walks at all directions
Like Chinese checkers

 The real old Oakland
Discernible among the remains

 Old properties fallen into 
louche condition

 Not a bad prospect here
I could really rock this firehouse

Siamese Victorians

The second story of the world
Wigs out

Up against the barricados

A massage speakeasy
Go over to the curtains
Whisper where you'd like to be rubbed

I dig deep black color fields

Gates of Zoophilia

Where the lion bites

A protected species lives here

Signage survival
A gone world cafe

 Here lies the former Fitzgerald cafe
A cup of coffee was a nickel
Lunch was fifteen cents

Now it's MAD OAK
Prices gone up a wee bit

At least they preserved the sign painting
There must have been a board with "ALD CA"
Over the entrance now lost

Crenelated castlean arches
trees of late Winter

The Courthouse lords over the land
What a pile this one is

No skating, baby,
No skating at the courthouse,
Skaters bang here constantly

Guardian of property rights
Evictions done dirt cheap
Protector of social inequality

 Lake Merrit
It's placid charm

 Back through Chinatown
Where children are taught to value
Precious things

Everyday life
A sensory overload 
a lot of the time

Nice to suppose something is still sacred
Or at least venerable and valuable,
The mild afternoon, Saturday sun

27 February 2016

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