Saturday, December 26, 2015

Rocking Around the Christmas Tree 2015


 Another chiaroscuro Solstice day spent on the Estuary,
Brief light arctic rain showers and a cold bite kept it fairly deserted,
 the way the Flaneur likes things to be,
 A day last week when the cold front first marched through 
on the phalanx of a nippy North wind,
Lakeside park was mobbed by great misfortunes of crows,
They densely populated the top branches of firs
But were restless and prone to take to the sky
Like ants spilling from an anthill
 Geese fed happily on new green lawns
While seagulls hunkered down passive yet alert,
The tumult of the crows spilled across the sky 
In the mounting winds of Winter

Mountain View Cemetery
Christmas day the weather remained chilly but with a brilliant sun
The Flaneur spent hours outdoors enjoying an infused chocolate,
A lunch of sardines and pumpernickel 
and a wee jar of  Christian Brothers brandy
Scattered hikers, an impromptu chat at Cogwell's monument,
An overall cheerful scene with  very few mourners
Deep peace came falling slow 
Passing a church I had prayed for grace 
And God was kind to me

Home for a feast replicating the one I had on Christmas eve
Tender bresats of wholesome free range chicken
Sweet and golden Yukon potatoes, peas, carrots, onion,
Broccoli and red bell pepper, cranberry sauce,
Ginger saps, fine coffee, highest quality cannabis, brandy.
Profoundly beautiful sacred music proceeded from my humble radio
As I read Peter Ackroyd's William Blake
Napping after my long hike, some oneiric lines of verse follow on,

Gratitude for such a profusion of blessings

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