Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Continuous Berkeley in February

 Celebration of the ordinary

The only  February in the last 36 that I haven't lived in Berkeley or Oakland was February 1980 when I lived in San Francisco. However I was working five days a week in Berkeley that year commuting from the big city by bus.
Join the Flaneur on a walk down memory lane in West Berkeley.  Seen here in passing, a mild and rare day in the rarest of  all months, all these years hence.

 West Berkeley Branch Library

Hadn't visited here in quite a number of years,
There was  recent extensive rebuilding

Enter another realm and read

Perception of the world is fungible

Cranial windows  let in the light

Transformed by the experience
You continue on

Faces in the streets

Nevertheless what's killing you
is what you consume

Not dead in Berkeley,
Nosiree, Bob

Anytime you're in need of a jeweled turban
or what have you

This shit was invented here

Marina Escapade

The pier seems to go on forever,

Filtered light on the gargantuan sun dial,
Nice and deserted here today

Nothing does go on forever, of course,
Eons are but fleeting events
in geological time

The North Bay in time,
In all its timelessness

I have come to hang five in one of my beloved
Peaceful and  lonely hang spots

Or maybe to hang ten,
For all the snowbound everywhere

Woven into the fabric of sea and sky

These flowers run riot this time of year,
They remind me it's almost Saint Patrick's Day

Boats on the Bay
All call it a day

Here comes my bus,
Time to redial the sun dial

25 February 2015

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