Saturday, November 29, 2014

The First Sunday in Advent

These caverns are numberless
I have flown through them all
In mystagogia
                                   Jerusalem Syndrome
                                          Stephen Ronan


Advent as imagined
in the first of four Roman Catholic churches 
where the Flaneur says his prayers
and receives the Sacraments

   The Cathedral of Christ the Light

These were among my first images captured with a new camera last year. I have been waiting for Advent to post them at last, them like a child awaiting Christmas Day.
All of the images were made the same day except for the above shot added for exposition.


 Oh thee of little faith,
I am immune to your consultations

 Bishop's seat

 Advent wreath on a pedestal in mid aisle

Crucifix and Tree

Organ airs arabesque
Like scented smoke

 On another level

 The Inner Sanctum

 Saint Patrick of Eire
He made Saint Ronan a bishop,
Ronan cursed Sweeney and met Saint Judas on an iceberg,
He evangelized the Scotland,
 His remains are at L'eclise Saint-Ronan de Locronan
Paintings by native son Yves Tanguy
Decorate its Surrealist rectory

 Anteroom in Eternity

 May the Peace of the Lord be with you

 That we will rest with Him in heaven

 And thereby take comfort in this world

December 2013

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