Friday, May 23, 2014

The Secret of the Sea, (The Secret of the Sea, Pt II, Chap.4)

On the third day of a heat wave, one week before Memorial day, you can get huge acerage of prime beachfront to yourself only a short walk from the streetcar stop just as blessed oceanic air first hits.

Marked by a black and white parasol, 
the Flaneur has chosen his spot wisely.
Has he mentioned he has First Nations blood?

Looking fondly back on the continent
North America lies east of here

 The Sea heals the body and the mind
A guy on a board in the surf
weaves inside the Secret of the Sea

 Toward the headlands of Marin
Seal Rocks and Cliff House in the mist
 Visible bands of marine influence

La voie lactee, the universe am I
The Secret of Sea is that
You have to go in the water


 My projectile has landed
Time out of time
Everything is peace of mind

Inevitably one crosses back
Over the dunes
To another world nearby

15 May 2014

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