Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Random Berkeley

 Let's check out Haas pavilion

 The Flaneur, man about town, exhibits some images of what went down

Sports Chalk

 Hall of illustrious twentieth-century athlete-scholars



 I used to attend a lot of baseball games here
I would cheer for both teams 
Drawing quizzical notice from the partisans

Stars of track and field you are,
Stars of track and field you are,

Stars of track and field are beautiful people

Stadium trees,
Long may they stand

Homoerotic glade,
Companion piece to the saphic nyad 
In a hollow up the creak

Downertown Berkeley

Protest chanty in front of the central post office,
It's always there,
People are not always there

Enough to make you play the blues

Sometimes you eat the mushrooms...

Sometimes the bear eats you

Mercantile Berkeley

Remember this program?
About an old queen from Mars,
He moves in with a cute earth guy 
Who doesn't he's queer yet

A sporty aesthetic prevails indoors and out

So act free, 
and try to be

The Hand of Fate,
Picks me and knocks me down again

The Floral Horizon

White wisteria,
Enhancing to inhale,
Lovely to behold 

How can you tell a natural redhead?

Color junkies unite

March 2015

Monday, March 30, 2015

Palm Sunday


Where to look for the Flaneur on Holy Week--in the presence of the Lord

Palm Sunday begins Holy Week joyously
It was the day that Jesus came in Jerusalem
Crowds welcomed him with palm fronds

Let's go inside...

Christ the King,
Blessed is he who comes unto Him

Centuries of sacred design led
To this bright and breezy Space

Tenebrous airs filled the church
As the choir practiced for their busy schedule,
Holy Week culminates in Easter Sunday

The sacred songs helped to lift me to a prayerful level,
Meditating on the Crucifixion,
The Twelfth Station of the Cross

Everything leads to the Easter,
To Resurrection and to Redemption,
There is no death

Outside, the ever-changing world has changed again,
People abound on a beautiful day

As the full moon follows the Vernal Equinox,
All beings celebrate renewal

29 March 2015

Port Saturday

 Art installation, 
Early work by Richard Serra, I think

 The Flaneur locates the extraordinary amid the ordinary

 Industrial landscape, 
de Chirico-like when shadows lengthen at dusk

 The sun flexes its muscles
I must retreat a while into the shade

 Another day at the Port of Oakland,
There's a ship under repair at Bay Ship
Wrapped up like a Christo, 
I planto sail close by it in a few days

 The Flaneur fearlessly faces his phantom public
F.y., NSA surveillance state

Vehicular police presence duly noted,
Let's see if I can get closer

 Wow, weird...

 Capote once said,"Take a point off your IQ
for every year that you live in California,"
My rejoinder was, that's OK I have plenty to spare,
It can seem a bit dumb around here sometimes

 But that's why we love it

A train goes by,
The bus is coming,
The air is bright,
It's not a bad life 

28 March 2015

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Arts Passage

An opening--something about which to crow

Can you locate this Neo Dada arcade by the clues included herein?

 Charcoal Mirror

"Open Secret"
Kind of underwhelming idea,
Nice execution

 Concrete Birdcage

 The Passage continues on to another street

 Exhausted Sausages

Tight Fit
Do you suppose a man or a woman made this?

 Rogues' Gallery
A sneaking sense that they are ridiculing men
Connected to the venerable KALA institute
I showed an artwork there long ago
Curated by a rather witchy Euro lady, Ursula

 Family Meal, 
Large work on what may be paper
Or perhaps it's on buffalo hide

If you guessed that it was right across from this place 
you'd be correct

March 2015